
Pink Roses Bouquet With Dry Fruits Basket


Buy Pink Roses Bouquet With Dry Fruits Basket

Dry Fruits and Pink Flower Bouquet can convey various sentiments:

  1. Celebration and Joy: The vibrant pink flowers represent happiness and celebration, while the dry fruits and chocolates add a touch of indulgence.
  2. Gratitude: Gifting this combo can express appreciation and thankfulness.
  3. Well-Wishes: The combination signifies good health (dry fruits), & beauty (flowers).
  4. Romance: Pink flowers symbolize love and admiration, and chocolates evoke sweetness and passion.
  5. Thoughtfulness: The mix of healthy dry fruits and Flowers shows care and consideration.

If you’re sending this combo, consider the occasion and the recipient’s taste.

Product Details:-

  • Pink Roses=30

Dry Fruits:-

  • Almond
  • Cashews
  • Raisin
  • Pistachios
  • Tied with Red Ribbon
  • Round Brown Basket


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