
Red Carnation Bouquet with Fruits Basket ,Cake & Chocolates


Buy Red Carnation Bouquet with Fruits Basket ,Cake & Chocolates
  1. Red carnations are particularly popular due to their vibrant hue and delicate petals. They are often used in bouquets and arrangements as a symbol of love, passion, and admiration.
  2. A fruit basket symbolizes joy, hope, and abundance. When you give someone a fruit basket, you’re offering a moment of enjoyment, something to share, and a common staple that suits most dietary requirements.

These hampers eliminate the challenge of finding the “perfect” gift, as they contain a variety of items bound to be appreciated.


      • Celebration and Joy: Cakes are often associated with celebrations, such as birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries. They symbolize joy, togetherness, and special moments.
      • Sweetness and Pleasure: The sweetness of cake represents pleasure, indulgence, and the simple joys of life.
      • Nourishment and Sustenance: Cakes provide nourishment, and sharing a cake can strengthen bonds between people.


    • Love and Romance: Chocolates are commonly associated with love and romance. Giving chocolates as a gift expresses affection and desire.
      • Comfort and Happiness: Eating chocolate can evoke feelings of comfort and happiness. It’s often seen as a mood booster.
      • Luxury and Indulgence: High-quality chocolates are considered a luxury. They symbolize indulgence and self-care.

Product Details:-

  • Red Carnation=10
  • Wrapped with Pink Paper
  • Tied With raffia knot.
  • Fruits Basket:-
  • Orange
  • Apple
  • Grapes
  • Banana
  • Pears
  • Red Grapes
  • Brown Basket
  • Cake=half kg
  • Dairy Milk=5


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