
Red Roses Bouquet


Buy Red Roses Bouquet

Red roses are the epitome of romance, passion, and love. Their symbolism dates back to ancient Greek and Roman legends. Let me share some fascinating insights about red roses:

  1. Love and Passion: Red roses symbolize love and passion. When you gift someone a bouquet of red roses, you’re expressing deep affection and desire.
  2. Legends and Myths:
    • Goddess Venus and Adonis: According to one legend, Goddess Venus was in love with Adonis. When she rushed to warn him of a conspiracy to kill him, her feet were cut by thorns from white roses. Her blood turned the white roses red, giving rise to the red rose.
    • Aphrodite and Adonis: Another legend involves Aphrodite and Adonis. Adonis was killed, and red roses supposedly sprouted from the ground where his blood fell. These legends, combined with the intoxicating aroma and beauty of red roses, cemented their association with love and passion.
  3. Occasions :
    • Weddings: Red roses are popular in weddings, symbolizing the union of two souls and eternal love. They adorn bridal bouquets, bridesmaids’ flowers, and decorations.
    • Anniversary & Valentine’s Day

So, when you give someone a bouquet of red roses, you’re not just offering flowers; you’re sharing a powerful message of love and devotion. 🌹❤️

Product Details:-

  • Red Roses=20pcs
  • Beautifully wrapped in Jute Packaging
  • This Bouquet is tied with a Red Ribbon
  • Victoria Leaf.